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Главная » 2013 » Август » 24 » Роб+Диор

My Favourite Men’s Fragrance: Dior Homme

Dior Homme

Live free, fast and strong. Live 1000 lives but know that you only have one.

"Dream as if you’ll live forever.
Live as if you’ll die today.”

James Dean

Dior Homme. A composition that rocked the world, daring fresh boldness and surprise. An olfactory shock in true Dior style, changing habits and transcending norms. It is amazing how many interpretations it contains. A fragrance with 1000 faces, a stunning array of possibilities: A masculine Iris, the shock of opposites attracting. A faintly animal iris that expounds a sensual, sexy feel, accompanied by leather and wood to re-orchestrate virile accords. Amber and spices exude but do not invade, as though saying: "Follow me, it’s up to you.” No doubt about it, I will follow. I love this scent so much, it is so extremely sexy on a man.

Robert Pattinson is the face of the new campaign, shot by Romain Gavras. Below you can find some exclusive behind the scenes photos.

Dior Homme 11

"Dior Homme eschews every masculine cliché. It explores a new virility, immediate yet complex.” François Demachy

Masculine, Woody, Spicy Iris

Top notes: Calabrian Bergamot, Guatemalan Cardamom and Vaucluse Lavender
Middle notes: Tuscan Iris and Absolute Amber
Base notes: Virginia Cedarwood and Haitian Vetiver

Dior Homme 1


A dimly lit dressing room. Costumes scattered on the floor, sequins and feathers. She has stubbed out her cigarette and removes her make-up, peering at her reflection in the neon-lit mirror. Conceal the shadows, pile on smoky eyes and flaming red lips. Overdo it, wear a mask to make believe it’s not really you, half-naked in this hopeless dive. A sharp intake of breath, she stops her handiwork…

Dior Homme 2

He could be there, just behind the door. Among the fumes of stale tobacco she catches the scent that she loved on his neck, a delicious blend of wood and flowers. Gentle but virile. Tender-hearted Narcissus. This fragrance is her life. Leading her a merry dance.

Dior Homme 5

"Little Bastard” or "Gentleman”: she doesn’t care. His signature is to do as he likes. She fixes her hair, a sad look on her face. Smoothes it listlessly, twists a few curls. Her heart isn’t in it. The tears well. Suddenly, the sillage swells, she smells the scent of spices and lavender in a musk and amber embrace. Her head reels, giddy. He appears, out of nowhere. She smiles at him in the mirror. Life. Goes on.

Dior Homme 4

Dior Homme Fragrance Collection
For every day in your life, for all the lives you have!


Dior Homme
Wear Dior Homme like a tailored suit. This unique woody, aromatic signature trails in your wake. The surprising notes she loves to nuzzle at your neck. A sexy appeal, rigorous and sharp yet disarmingly casual. Feel effortlessly elegant. Sensual, supple and free.

Dior Homme EDT spray 50ml (CHF 95.00), 100ml (CHF 130.00) and 150ml  (CHF 156.00)


Dior Homme Intense
The noble sophistication of a strong, potent signature. Giddy with love. Wood and Amber draw you in. Intense Iris joins the fray, exudes her powerful charm. A physical signature whose sillage entices. Shrouding the lapel of a cashmere coat, designed to be embraced. For a Prince of the night with enigmatic charm.

Dior Homme Intense EDP spray 50ml (CHF 104.50), 100ml (CHF 143.00) and 150ml (CHF 172.00)


Dior Homme Sport
A convertible speeds along an empty beach. An outdoor fragrance that plays on perfect jeans and a sexy T-shirt, the perfect fit. Like a rush of freedom, on the road. The vibrant woody freshness of the sillage hooks you in.

Dior Homme Sport EDT spray 50ml (CHF 95.00), 100ml (CHF 130.00) and 150ml (CHF 156.00)

Dior Homme Cologne

Dior Homme Cologne
Clear and radical, it envelops with a musky citrus signature. Sheer elegance. The sillage states the casual charm of a classic white shirt. Unostentatious but stylish. Elegance in broad daylight: a fragrance for the skin, for you.

Dior Homme COLOGNE EDT spray 75ml (CHF 104.50) and 125ml (CHF 143.00)

LoL, Sandra

Photos: Courtesy of Dior


Категория: Другое | Просмотров: 739 | Добавил: Arven7 | Теги: Robert Pattinson, роберт паттинсон, Dior
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Фильмы Роберта Паттинсона

"Twilight" - "Сумерки"

"New Moon" - "Новолуние"

"Eclipse" - " Затмение"

"Breaking Dawn" - "Рассвет"

"How Tu Be" - " Как быть"

"Littles Ashes" - " Мелкие останки"

"The Haunted Airman" - "Преследователь Тобби Джага"

 "The Ring of Nibelungs" - "Кольцо Нибелунгов"

"The Bad Mother's Handbook" - "Дневник плохой матери"

"Summer House" - "Летний домик"

"Vanity Fair" - "Ярмарка тщеславия"

"Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire" -" Гарри Поттер и Орден Феникса"

"Remember me" - "Помни меня"

"Water For Elephants" - "Воды слонам"

 "Bel Ami" - " Милый друг"

"Kosmopolis" - "Космополис"


"QUEEN OF THE DESERT" - "Королева пустыни "


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